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6 things to consider in the design of a custom control room console

Are you wondering what makes a good custom control room console? Every control room is different, so although standard consoles are available, bespoke consoles make for a better working environment. For example, the size and number of monitors an operator uses will vary depending on their role. A bespoke console can accommodate that along with any extra IT storage requirements. Read on to find out more.

1. Do you need dual or single-surface desktops?

The two main types of consoles are single surface and dual surface. It’s important to consider which is the right fit for you.

2.5m wide control room desk with single piece desktop, Smartarm monitor supports and desktop power/charging

Single Surface Console

Single-surface consoles have one surface for both the keyboard and monitors. They have a large usable work surface with plenty of space for equipment. 

This type of console can be fixed or height adjustable. If you have a standing desk, it's easy to reposition between sitting and standing as the whole surface moves with the touch of a button. 

If you’re on a budget, fixed single-surface consoles are a cost-effective solution for your control room. A fixed height worksurface can also be beneficial where operator sight lines to a central video wall are important, i.e. the view of an operator could be constricted by a user in front standing at a raised console.

2.8m wide control room desk with twin desktops and two tier monitor arrangement

Dual Surface Console

A dual surface custom control room console has one surface that functions as the primary workspace for users and a second surface that supports monitors. There are many benefits to this. 

Both desktops are usually height adjustable, which is excellent for ergonomics as users can set their preferred height on each surface. The operator can easily optimise the control room workstation for either sitting or standing. 

A separate independantly adjusted surface for monitors gives more flexibility with regards to height adjustment. The functionality and ergonomics of dual surface consoles make them ideal for users who spend long shifts at their control room desks.

twin desktops with single tier monitors and central desktop mounted power/data modules

2. What are my options for desktop power?

Desktop power units are the set of sockets that supply power, data and USB charging at desktop level. There are three main desk connectivity options:

Flip-top plug sockets

Flip-top plug sockets are embedded into the desktop. They have a rotating cover over the top of the power outlets. When you want to access the sockets, you pull up the cover to trigger a release mechanism. Flip-top plug sockets help give you more desk space and keep your desktop uncluttered.

desktop power/data mounted to the monitor rail

Desktop mounted sockets

Here the PC power and data outlets are fitted on top of the desk. They can effectively replicate the connections at the rear of a PC, such as sound, mic, or USB. The sockets are easier to access as there's no need to search awkwardly under the desk. They are mounted on the desk with clamps or onto the monitor beam.

below desktop cable tray housing power sockets, small form factor PCs and all cabling

Below desktop cable/IT trays

A cable/IT tray below the desk helps keep your cables neatly out of the way. You can easily slide the desktop forward to access the below desktop power. Cable trays can also be specified for front front and/or rear access below the rear desktop. Under-desk power sockets give you more desk space and keep your desktop uncluttered. They are also a cost-effective and more secure solution compared to above access desktop power.

dual desktops with single tier monitors incorporating task lights

3. Which monitor arm style would fit my needs?

A post-mounted monitor arm is the best option for a control room environment.

It offers complete flexibility and is the best option for supporting multiple tiers of screens. Monitor removal and fine height adjustment are straightforward. You can position the screen in either landscape or portrait orientation. This system allows monitor configurations to be easily changed; you can add extensions without disrupting existing monitors.

ZP6 Monitor Arm for 6 Monitors

What to consider when choosing a monitor arm

How much does each monitor weigh?

You’ll need to compare the weight of your monitor to the weight capacity of an articulating monitor arm. Each arm will have a specific weight capacity, so the monitor must comply.

Is your monitor VESA compliant?

VESA is a technical standard referring to the distance between the mounting holes on the back of the monitor. The monitor bracket is attached to these. A VESA compatible monitor usually has hole dimensions of 75mm x 75mm or 100mm x 100mm (with higher dimensions for larger displays). Apple Mac displays are not VESA compliant and will need a separate adapter.

How many monitors will I be using?

Consider how many monitors need support to identify your ideal computer monitor arm. If you're using multiple screens, having one monitor arm to support them all will utilise space better than multiple monitor poles.

4. Should I get a curved or straight custom control room console?

Curved desktop design are often more suitable for a control room environment. This shape helps the control room desk layout form a concentric curve around any central video display, optimising user sight lines. Infills between the desks can be used to create the curved layout.

You can also have your monitor arrangement designed to support a curved configuration. This is ideal for ergonomic viewing. It creates less variation in distance between the monitors and the user's sight line. A custom control room console will fit the overall monitor width, and its shape can replicate the curve of the monitor arrangement.

laminate faced and solid core laminate from the Egger range

5. Which desktop finish is best for a custom control room console?

Laminate is the best type of surface for control room consoles. It's a highly durable and adaptable material. For a control room console a 1mm layer of laminate is applied to an MDF board create a desktop.

Laminate has the following benefits:

  • A highly scratch and dent resistant surface

  • A hygienic surface that’s easy to keep clean

  • It’s available in many different colour and texture options

  • It’s resistant to moisture and staining, so don't panic if you spill your tea!

Core materials

Most control room console desktops are constructed with a core made of MDF (medium density fibreboard). MDF is made of wood fibres combined with wax and a resin bind. Unlike solid wood, it’s not susceptible to expanding or contracting due to weather conditions. Its flat, smooth surface makes it ideal for attaching a laminate covering. It’s made of dense materials so is more durable than chipboard. If the desk needs to be long lasting or it’s subject to intense use, e.g. in a 24-hour environment, this is the material to go for.

laminate and solid core laminate from the Egger range

Desktop edging

Control room console desktops will usually have polyurethane encapsulated edges. Polyurethane is more durable than other desk edging materials and can be used to create a variety of desktop edging shapes.

Features and benefits:

  • It can create a rounded soft front desktop edge. This has good functionality and looks attractive

  • Polyurethane spillage lips on the desk edges stop drinks from dripping into the electrical trough below

  • It comes in various colour options allowing you to personalise your custom control room console

  • You can use it to create details like company logos on the desktop

6. Do consoles need to be height adjustable

Height adjustable desks are a control room preference. They have plenty of ergonomic benefits. They're ideal when users spend long shifts at their control room desks. 

In a 24-hour control room, different shift workers may share the same console. With a height adjustable desk, the work surface can be adjusted and preset to the user's preferred height. 

A dual worksurface desk can also have a separate controller for adjusting monitors independently from the main desktop. The extra level of adjustability makes it easier to accommodate a variety of body shapes and sizes.

Adjusting between sitting and standing helps operators prevent fatigue. It enables operators to maintain alertness when dealing with critical situations. 

Studies show sit-stand desks have many physical benefits too, such as better circulation and reduced aches and pains. However, if your control room has a video wall, it's essential to consider whether standing will block other operators' sightlines.

Are you looking to upgrade your control room? Our experts can work with you to create the perfect custom control room console. We are one of the world's leading control room furniture manufacturers with over 30 years of experience. Get in touch to find out more.