The dangers of sitting and how a sit stand desk can help


Did you know that a sit stand desk is one of the best ways to improve your wellbeing at work? Multiple studies have shown that sitting for long periods is bad for us. From poor circulation to back pain, sitting for hours on end affects our bodies in many ways.

Height adjustable desks help by allowing workers to stand for part of the day. 
We’re often told to take breaks from sitting at our desks. As busy multi-tasking professionals, this isn’t always easy. Sit-stand desks allow you to adopt a healthier posture without interrupting workflow.

So how exactly does a sit stand desk work?

A height adjustable sit stand desk allows you to change posture throughout the day. With the touch of a button, you can change the desktop from seated to standing height.

A small motor within each desk leg controls its height. A touchpad operates these, allowing you to adjust an electric standing desk to your preferred level.

Keypads controlling the motors can vary from basic models with an up-down function to those with advanced features. These can have Bluetooth connectivity and programmable heights. Some even have apps and timers to remind you to switch positions.

A sit and stand desk can also incorporate an anti collision safety feature. Sensors detect obstructions and stop the desk before it hits anything.

The range and variety of adjustable desks available is huge. Desks at the top end of the market will have a wider adjustment range, allowing you to tailor the desk height for your exact body size and working style.

What are the health benefits of sit-stand desks?

Physical health benefits:

Reduces neck and back pain
- Do you find yourself hunching over to use the keyboard and peer at the screen? This habit puts a strain on your neck, shoulders and back. Eventually, you will begin to get aches and pains which may need medical attention. 

An office standing desk prevents this by allowing you to adopt a healthier posture. Standing helps keep your spine straight and strengthens the core muscles that support your upper body.

Helps prevent Type 2 diabetes - Being sedentary can cause your body to overproduce insulin, putting you at greater risk of diabetes. This is especially true if you sit for long periods after eating. A sit stand desk allows you to stand after eating promoting healthy blood sugar levels.

Lowers the risk of obesity - Studies show that the enzymes responsible for burning fat shut down while we’re sitting. This can lead to the retention of fat and a slower metabolic rate. Standing helps burn a few more calories each day, allowing you to maintain a healthy weight.

Helps improve circulation - Sitting slows down the circulation, resulting in fatigue. Standing improves heart activity and blood flow. This has great benefits for both the body and brain.

Mental wellbeing benefits:

Feel more alert, task driven and positive
- Improved posture and circulation will make you feel happier, more refreshed and able to focus. Tasks get done faster, and you can think of creative solutions when problems arise.

Higher energy levels - stand up desks help prevent the mid afternoon slump from being sedentary for hours on end. Standing for part of the day helps beat fatigue and leaves you feeling more refreshed.

Improved focus - A stand up desk allows you to counteract the lethargy that comes with sitting for several hours. More blood flow to the brain enables you to think more clearly and concentrate longer

Reduces stress - Better circulation, posture and metabolism all contribute to a healthier frame of mind and lower levels of anxiety. A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of anxiety and depression. Changing to a standing posture for some of the day can help combat these feelings.

benefits of sitting at a Sit Stand desks

How to get the most out of your sit stand desk

A popular misconception about standing desks is that you stand all day long to do your work. In fact, their benefits come from being able to shift between sitting and standing throughout the day. Here are some tips on how to get the best out of your height adjustable desk:

  • Standing up while working is a habit that your body needs to adjust to. Start by standing for 5 minutes at a time

  • Try to alternate between sitting and standing. Standing up all day is not healthy either – it is the variation that counts

  • Once you get used to standing whilst working try to stand 15 minutes every hour. This will accumulate to around 2 hours of standing time a day

  • Make shifting positions at your sit stand desk part of your work routine

  • If, for medical reasons, you’re unsure if you can stand for 5-15 minutes every hour you should check with your doctor

spine benefits of sitting at a sit stand desk

Why should you shift between postures?

 Changing between sitting and standing during the day adjusts the amount of load on the body. It gives specific body parts a chance to rest. Standing increases blood flow to relieve tired muscles and helps the body achieve a loading balance. Just the act of going from sitting to standing is good for your health. It forces your body to work against gravity and keeps those skeletal muscles strong. Standing also helps in the regulation of blood pressure.

The best adjustable desks 

Here at Technology Desking sit stand desks are our speciality. To get the maximum benefits of a standing desk you should be using it every day at work or home. For this reason, it’s essential to invest in a quality desk that will stand the test of time.

There are plenty of cheaper sit-stand desks on the market. These often have poor quality motors. You could end up with your desk stuck at an awkward height making it impossible to work. Office furniture is a big investment, so you should buy the best standing desk within your budget. Ideally with a long warranty.

Technology Desking sit stand desks use the best quality height adjustment motors on the market. Our desks also have low movement noise, so no annoying your colleagues every time you adjust the height!  

We provide standing desks for office/home, trading floor and control room environments. Check out our range here to find a sit stand desk that’s just right for your workplace.